Uriah - girls name

Uriah name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Uriah name meaning:

The name Uriah is of Hebrew origin and its meaning is often interpreted as "God is my light" or "my light is God." It is a biblical name that can be found in the Old Testament, particularly in the story of King David. Uriah was a loyal and brave soldier who served in David's army and was also the husband of Bathsheba. In the story, David committed adultery with Bathsheba and then attempted to cover up his actions by arranging for Uriah to be killed in battle.

Despite the tragic circumstances surrounding Uriah's story, the name itself carries a sense of devotion and a strong connection to spirituality. The mention of God and light in the name's meaning emphasizes the belief in divine guidance and protection. Parents who choose the name Uriah for their son may be drawn to its religious significance and its association with strength and loyalty.

Origin: Hebrew

God is my Light.


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