Most popular British baby names 2023-2024

Top 100 girls names UK »

  1. Olivia
  2. Amelia
  3. Isla
  4. Ava
  5. Ivy

Top 100 boys names UK »

  1. Noah
  2. Oliver
  3. George
  4. Arthur
  5. Muhammad

Baby Names UK provide these names after analysing the official UK statistics for births that took place during 2023.

Your top rated names

Baby names by region

England »


  1. Noah
  2. George
  3. Oliver
  4. Muhammad
  5. Arthur


  1. Olivia
  2. Amelia
  3. Isla
  4. Ava
  5. Ivy

N Ireland »


  1. Jack
  2. Noah
  3. James
  4. Charlie
  5. Oliver


  1. Grace
  2. Emily
  3. Fiadh
  4. Olivia
  5. Isla

Scotland »


  1. Jack
  2. Noah
  3. Leo
  4. Oliver
  5. Harris


  1. Olivia
  2. Emily
  3. Isla
  4. Freya
  5. Ella

Wales »


  1. Noah
  2. Oliver
  3. Arthur
  4. Theo
  5. Leo


  1. Olivia
  2. Amelia
  3. Isla
  4. Freya
  5. Ivy
British beaches map scotland scotland england england wales wales england england northern-ireland

Click on map region to see more info

Historic UK baby names

We have historic baby name data going back over 100 years. Not only does this allow you to check out what names were hot in the 60s, 70s and 80s, but means you to dig back to the turn of the century for inspiration.

In addition you can also search up the most popular names for a given age. For example what are the most popular names for 12 year old boys or what are the top names for 10 year old girls.

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