Percival - girls name

Percival name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Percival name meaning:

The name Percival is of Old French origin and has its roots in Arthurian legend. It is derived from the Old French word "Perceval," which itself is a variation of the Latin name "Percivalis." The name Percival is commonly associated with the Arthurian knight Percival, also known as Sir Percivale or Parzival, who was one of the Knights of the Round Table.

The meaning of the name Percival is often interpreted as "pierce the valley" or "piercing the veil." This interpretation is derived from breaking down the elements of the name. "Perce" means "pierce," while "val" refers to "valley." Therefore, Percival can be seen as a name that embodies courage, strength, and the ability to overcome obstacles. It signifies an individual who is bold enough to face challenges head-on, piercing through barriers to find success or enlightenment.

The name Percival carries a sense of mystique and adventure, making it a popular choice for parents seeking strong and unique names for their sons. It is a name that evokes images of chivalry, heroism, and the pursuit of greatness, inspired by the legendary figure of Percival in Arthurian lore.

Hero of several Arthurian stories.


Victorian names

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