Nasrin - girls name

Nasrin name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Nasrin name meaning:

The name Nasrin is of Persian origin and is commonly given to girls. It is derived from the Persian word "nasr," meaning victory. In Persian culture, the name Nasrin carries the connotation of triumph, success, and accomplishment. It evokes qualities such as strength, determination, and resilience.

Those named Nasrin are believed to possess a natural inclination towards overcoming obstacles and achieving their goals. They are seen as individuals who are driven, ambitious, and persistent in their endeavors. The name also reflects a sense of optimism and a positive outlook on life.

Overall, the name Nasrin embodies the essence of victory and serves as a reminder of one's potential for triumph and success. It conveys the importance of perseverance, hard work, and a strong will to overcome challenges, making it a fitting choice for parents who wish to inspire and empower their daughters.

Origin: Arabic

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