Mahjabin - girls name

Mahjabin name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Mahjabin name meaning:

The name Mahjabin is of Persian origin and has a beautiful meaning associated with it. Mahjabin is derived from the Persian word "mah" which means "moon" and "jabin" which means "forehead or brow." Therefore, the name Mahjabin can be interpreted to mean "moon brow" or "moon-faced," symbolizing beauty and grace.

In Persian culture, the moon holds significant symbolism, representing beauty, tranquility, and femininity. The addition of "jabin" further emphasizes the notion of a radiant and attractive forehead. The name Mahjabin encapsulates the idea of a person who possesses a captivating and enchanting beauty, both in physical appearance and inner qualities.

Furthermore, the name Mahjabin carries a sense of elegance and charm, suggesting a person with a gentle and kind-hearted nature. It is a name that exudes a sense of allure and sophistication, embodying the grace and dignity often associated with the Persian culture.

Origin: Arabic

Forehead, moon.

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Mahjabin , Maahjabeen

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