Hu - girls name

Hu name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Hu name meaning:

The name Hu is of Chinese origin and can have a few different meanings depending on the characters used to write it. In Chinese culture, names are often chosen for their auspicious or positive meanings. One possible meaning of the name Hu could be "tiger," as the character for "Hu" is often associated with this powerful and majestic animal in Chinese culture. Tigers are seen as symbols of strength, courage, and protection, so naming a girl Hu could be seen as bestowing these qualities upon her.

Another possible meaning of the name Hu could be "butterfly," as the character for "Hu" can also be associated with this delicate and graceful insect. Butterflies are often seen as symbols of transformation, beauty, and freedom, so naming a girl Hu could reflect a wish for her to embody these qualities in her life. Overall, the name Hu can have different meanings and interpretations, but it is likely chosen with positive and auspicious intentions in mind in Chinese culture.

Origin: Egyptian

A nature God.

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