Avishai - girls name

Avishai name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Avishai name meaning:

The name Avishai is of Hebrew origin and holds deep spiritual meaning. It is a compound name formed by combining two Hebrew words: "avi" meaning "father" and "shai" meaning "gift." Therefore, Avishai can be interpreted to mean "my father is a gift" or "gift from my father." This name carries a strong sense of gratitude and appreciation, emphasizing the preciousness and value of a child in the eyes of their father.

The name Avishai also has biblical significance, as it is associated with a few notable figures in the Old Testament. In the Bible, Avishai is depicted as one of King David's mighty men and a trusted companion. He is described as a loyal warrior and a valiant defender. Thus, the name Avishai can also symbolize strength, courage, and loyalty.

Overall, the name Avishai encapsulates the idea of a cherished and treasured gift from a father, showcasing the importance of family bonds and the gratitude for the presence of a child in one's life.

Origin: Hebrew

Gift from God.

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