Riven - girls name

Riven name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Riven name meaning:

The name Riven is of English origin and has multiple meanings. It is a unisex name, meaning it can be used for both boys and girls, but in this case, we are specifically focusing on the meaning in relation to a boy's name.

One possible interpretation of the name Riven is "to tear apart" or "to rend." This suggests a sense of strength, intensity, and resilience. It can symbolize a person who is able to overcome challenges and break free from constraints. The name Riven can also be seen as representing a person who is self-reliant, independent, and determined.

Another possible meaning of the name Riven is "to open or split." This interpretation can convey a sense of exploration, discovery, and expansion. It may represent a person who is open-minded, curious, and willing to explore new possibilities. Overall, the name Riven carries a sense of power, strength, and individuality, making it a distinctive choice for a boy's name.


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