Pili - girls name

Pili name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Pili name meaning:

The name Pili is of Swahili origin and means "second-born." It is a name that carries a sense of uniqueness and individuality, as the second-born child is often seen as having their own special role within the family dynamic. In Swahili culture, names are often chosen based on the circumstances surrounding the birth of the child or the order in which they were born. Therefore, the name Pili may hold significance in terms of the girl's position within her family or the importance placed on her birth order.

Overall, the name Pili conveys a sense of importance and significance, highlighting the girl's position as the second-born and the qualities that come with it. It is a name that carries cultural significance and may shape the way others perceive and interact with the girl, reflecting the values and beliefs of her family and community.

Origin: Egyptian

Born second.


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