Edjo - girls name

Edjo name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Edjo name meaning:

The name Edjo is of Egyptian origin and means "double prosperity" or "double abundance." It is a unique and meaningful name that conveys positivity and blessings. Girls named Edjo are believed to bring good fortune and prosperity to those around them. The name symbolizes abundance in all aspects of life, whether it be wealth, health, or happiness.

Those named Edjo are often seen as lucky individuals who have a special gift for attracting opportunities and success. They are known for their optimistic outlook on life and their ability to bring joy and positivity to those they interact with. Overall, the name Edjo carries a strong and positive significance, making it a wonderful choice for a baby girl.

Origin: Egyptian

Another form of Uadjit.

Related names

Uadjit , Edjo

Other girls names beginning with E


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