Aolani - girls name

Aolani name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Aolani name meaning:

The name Aolani is of Hawaiian origin and means heavenly cloud or heavenly brightness. It is a beautiful and unique name that captures the essence of something pure and divine. In Hawaiian culture, the sky and clouds are often associated with the heavens and spiritual realms, so naming a girl Aolani can be seen as bestowing upon her a sense of ethereal beauty and grace.

Those with the name Aolani are believed to have a strong connection to the spiritual world and a gentle, nurturing nature. They are often seen as peaceful and harmonious individuals who bring a sense of calm and tranquility to those around them. Overall, the name Aolani signifies a sense of divine presence and purity, making it a fitting choice for a girl who is seen as a gift from above.

Origin: Hawaiian

Heavenly cloud.

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