Zayne - boys name

Zayne name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 87%

Zayne name meaning:

The name Zayne is of Arabic origin and is derived from the name Zain, meaning "beautiful" or "handsome". It is a popular name choice for boys and has a strong and positive connotation. Zayne is often associated with qualities such as charm, attractiveness, and elegance. People with this name are believed to possess a natural magnetism that draws others towards them.

The name Zayne carries a sense of charisma and confidence. It reflects a person who is comfortable in their own skin and knows how to make an impression. Those named Zayne are often seen as leaders and influencers, with the ability to inspire and captivate those around them. Additionally, the name Zayne can also be associated with determination and ambition, reflecting a person who is driven to succeed and achieve their goals.

Overall, the name Zayne has a rich and positive meaning. It embodies qualities of beauty, charm, and leadership, making it an appealing choice for parents seeking a strong and attractive name for their baby boy.

Origin: English

Variant of Zane or John.

Related names

Zane , Zain , Zaine , Zayne

Other boys names beginning with Z


Overall UK ranking: 632 out of 4789

58 recorded births last year

Change in rank

  • 10yrs

  • 5yrs

  • 1yr


    Regional popularity

    Ranking for this name in various UK regions

  • Scotland (871)

Historical popularity of Zayne

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