Zack - boys name

Zack name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 95%

Zack name meaning:

The name Zack is a diminutive form of the name Zachary, which has Hebrew origins. The Hebrew name Zachary is derived from the biblical name Zechariah, meaning "God has remembered" or "Yahweh remembers." Thus, the name Zack carries a strong spiritual connotation, signifying the belief that God is always mindful of his people.

In addition to its religious meaning, the name Zack also reflects qualities such as loyalty, empathy, and devotion. Those named Zack often possess a compassionate and caring nature, emphasizing the importance of relationships and connections with others. They tend to be trustworthy and reliable individuals who remember and appreciate the value of friendship and family.

Overall, the name Zack is a powerful and meaningful choice for parents seeking a name that embodies spiritual significance, compassion, and a sense of devotion. It celebrates the belief in God's remembrance and serves as a reminder to stay connected to loved ones and foster meaningful relationships.

Origin: English

Variant of Zachariah and Zachary.

Related names

Zachariah , Zacharias , Zack , Zackary , Zackery , Zak , Zakari , Zakary

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Overall UK ranking: 262 out of 4789

177 recorded births last year

Change in rank

  • 10yrs

  • 5yrs

  • 1yr


    Regional popularity

    Ranking for this name in various UK regions

  • Scotland (120)

Historical popularity of Zack

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