Sulayman - boys name

Sulayman name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 88%

Sulayman name meaning:

The name Sulayman is of Arabic origin and is a variant of Solomon. It is derived from the Hebrew name Shelomoh, which means "peaceful" or "peaceful one." Sulayman is a name with deep historical and religious significance. In the Islamic tradition, Sulayman is considered a prophet and a king, known for his wisdom and justice.

The name Sulayman carries the connotation of peace and tranquility, symbolizing qualities such as harmony, calmness, and balance. It is a name that reflects the desire for a peaceful and serene life. In many cultures, names hold great significance as they are believed to shape a person's character and destiny.

Parents who choose the name Sulayman for their son often hope to invoke the qualities of wisdom, fairness, and peace in their child's life. The name also carries a spiritual and historical legacy, reminding the bearer of the importance of justice and integrity. Overall, Sulayman is a name that embodies peace and righteousness, making it a meaningful choice for many parents.

Origin: Arabic

The Biblical Solomon is the English language equivalent. A Prophet's name.

Related names

Sulayman , Sulaimaan

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Overall UK ranking: 556 out of 4789

69 recorded births last year

Change in rank

  • 10yrs

  • 5yrs

  • 1yr


    Regional popularity

    Ranking for this name in various UK regions

  • Scotland (1265)

Historical popularity of Sulayman

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