Shahab - boys name

Shahab name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Shahab name meaning:

The name Shahab is of Persian origin and has multiple meanings. One of the most common meanings is "meteor" or "shooting star." Meteors are celestial objects that streak across the sky with a bright light and are often associated with beauty and wonder. Therefore, the name Shahab can symbolize someone with a radiant and captivating personality.

In addition to its celestial meaning, Shahab also holds religious significance in Islam. In Arabic, Shahab means "flame" or "spark," and it is used to refer to the tongue of a fire or the light emitted from a candle. This interpretation can represent someone who brings warmth, light, and positive energy into the lives of others.

Overall, the name Shahab signifies a person who is bright, charismatic, and has a strong presence. It carries connotations of beauty, wonder, and the ability to light up a room. It is a name that can inspire admiration and fascination, making it a popular choice for baby boys in Persian and Arabic cultures.

Origin: Arabic

Shooting star, luminous.

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