Marli - boys name

Marli name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 52%

Marli name meaning:

The name Marli is of German origin and is derived from the name Marlene or Marlene. It is a feminine name commonly given to girls. Marli is believed to mean "famous," "warrior," or "strong." The name carries a sense of strength and power, symbolizing a girl who is capable and resilient.

People with the name Marli are often confident, ambitious, and determined individuals. They possess leadership qualities and have the ability to inspire and influence others. Marli is a name that conveys a sense of uniqueness and individuality, setting the bearer apart from the crowd.

In addition to its meaning, Marli also has a lyrical and melodic quality to it, making it a beautiful and captivating name. It is a name that represents strength, resilience, and success, making it a fitting choice for parents seeking a strong and empowering name for their daughter.

Origin: English

Form of Marilyn. Bitter.

Related names

Marilyn , Cherilyn, Cherilynn, Marli , Marlie , Marlin, Marlo , Marly

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Overall UK ranking: 2301 out of 4789

9 recorded births last year

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