Garth - boys name

Garth name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Garth name meaning:

The name Garth is of Old Norse origin, derived from the word "garthr," meaning "garden." In this context, it can refer to someone who is a guardian or caretaker of a garden or enclosed space, highlighting a connection to nature and cultivation. Over time, Garth became a common first name and surname in English-speaking countries, particularly in the UK and North America.

As a boy's name, Garth conveys strength and reliability, qualities often associated with someone who tends to and protects something as nurturing as a garden. It also suggests a certain earthiness and simplicity, reminiscent of open spaces and the natural world. The name has been popularized through various cultural references, including characters in literature, music, and television, further enriching its appeal with qualities of creativity, resilience, and warmth.

Origin: Scandinavian

A field or garden.

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