Bryce - boys name

Bryce name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 67%

Bryce name meaning:

The name Bryce is of Scottish origin and has multiple meanings. One interpretation is that it is derived from the Gaelic word "briste," meaning "speckled" or "freckled," which refers to someone with freckles or a complexion with various shades. Another possible meaning comes from the Old Norse word "brĂșn," which translates to "hill" or "mound." In this context, Bryce could signify someone who lives near a hill or has a connection to nature.

The name Bryce has gained popularity as a given name for boys in recent years, likely due to its strong and masculine sound. It is often associated with individuals who are confident, ambitious, and driven. People with this name are often seen as natural leaders, possessing a determined and independent nature. Additionally, the name Bryce has a modern and sophisticated feel to it, which adds to its appeal.

Origin: English

Form of Brice. Quick-moving.


Unisex names

Related names

Brice , Brick, Bryce

Other boys names beginning with B


Overall UK ranking: 1595 out of 4789

15 recorded births last year

Change in rank

  • 10yrs

  • 5yrs

  • 1yr


    Regional popularity

    Ranking for this name in various UK regions

  • Scotland (353)

Historical popularity of Bryce

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