Arles - boys name

Arles name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Arles name meaning:

The name Arles is predominantly used as a surname rather than a given name. It originates from the town of Arles in southern France. Arles is a historic city with deep Roman roots and a rich cultural heritage. As a surname, Arles could have different meanings depending on its origin and specific family history. Surnames often derive from occupations, locations, or personal characteristics, so it is possible that Arles could be linked to any of these factors.

If Arles is used as a given name for a boy, it is likely a modern invention or a rare variant of a more common name. In this case, the meaning might not be widely known or established. It is possible that parents might choose Arles simply because they like the sound or the uniqueness of the name, without any particular meaning or significance attached to it. Ultimately, the meaning of the name Arles for a boy would depend on its specific context and usage.

Origin: Hebrew


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Arles , Arlee , Arlis , Arliss-Arly

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This name does not feature in the UK baby names statistics - so feel free to go ahead and start a trend!