Marged - girls name

Marged name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Marged name meaning:

The name Marged is a Welsh variation of the name Margaret. In Welsh, the name Marged is pronounced "MAR-ged" and is derived from the Greek name Margarites, meaning "pearl." The name has a long history and is of biblical origin, with Mary Magdalene being a well-known figure in Christianity.

As a name, Marged carries with it a sense of beauty and elegance. Pearls have long been associated with wealth, wisdom, and purity, and these qualities are often attributed to individuals named Marged. The name also conveys a sense of timelessness and tradition, as it has been used for centuries and has remained popular in Welsh-speaking communities.

In Wales, the name Marged is still commonly used, and it is considered a strong and classic choice for baby girls. It carries a sense of cultural heritage and pride, as well as a connection to the Welsh language and identity. Overall, the name Marged represents a combination of beauty, tradition, and strength, making it a meaningful and lovely choice for parents looking for a name with depth and significance.

Origin: Welsh


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