Karrah - girls name

Karrah name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Karrah name meaning:

The name Karrah is a unique and beautiful name often chosen for its distinctive sound and modern appeal. Its exact origins are somewhat obscure, but it is believed to be a variant of the name Cara or Kara, which have roots in several cultures, including Latin and Irish. In Latin, Cara means "beloved" or "dear," symbolizing a deep affection or love. In Irish, it translates to "friend," denoting companionship and loyalty.

Furthermore, Karrah may also draw influence from Arabic origins, where similar sounding names mean "generous" or "bountiful." This breadth of meanings across different cultures adds a rich tapestry of qualities to the name, suggesting warmth, generosity, and love. Parents choosing the name Karrah might be drawn to its soft yet resonant sound, as well as the positive attributes associated with its various interpretations.

Origin: Scandinavian

Abbreviation of Katherine. Pure.

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