Karianna - girls name

Karianna name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Karianna name meaning:

The name Karianna is a beautiful and unique name often chosen for girls. It is believed to be a modern blend or variation of names like "Kara" and "Anna," or possibly a derivative of "Carrie" and "Anna." The "Anna" component, which is common in many cultures, means "grace" or "favor," deriving from Hebrew origins, symbolizing charm, grace, and elegance. The "Kari" or "Carrie" part does not have a universally agreed-upon meaning, but it could be linked to names of Nordic origin meaning "pure," or it might derive from the Greek Charis, meaning "grace, kindness."

Karianna, therefore, carries with it a beautiful combination of meanings, suggesting purity, grace, and favor. This name might appeal to parents looking for a name that conveys a sense of elegance, beauty, and a blend of traditions. The unique construction of Karianna offers a contemporary appeal, making it a wonderful choice for a girl in a modern, multicultural world. Its rarity adds to its charm, ensuring that a little girl named Karianna will stand out in a crowd, much like the grace and elegance her name suggests.

Origin: Scandinavian

Abbreviation of Katherine. Pure.

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