Kariana - girls name

Kariana name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Kariana name meaning:

The name Kariana is a beautiful and unique name often chosen for its melodious sound and modern appeal. While not traditional in the sense of having deep historical roots, it is considered a contemporary creation that blends elements from various names and cultures. The name can be seen as a combination or variation of the names "Kara" and "Ariana." "Kara" can mean "beloved" or "friend" in several languages, while "Ariana" is of Greek origin, meaning "most holy."

Kariana, therefore, carries a blend of meanings, evoking notions of love, holiness, and purity. It encapsulates a sense of grace and elegance, making it a charming choice for a girl. The name's uniqueness ensures that it stands out, embodying a sense of individuality and strength. Parents might choose Kariana for its modern flair and the positive qualities it symbolizes, hoping to instill in their daughter a sense of uniqueness and significance.

Origin: Scandinavian

Abbreviation of Katherine. Pure.

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