Heh - boys name

Heh name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Heh name meaning:

The name Heh is of Hebrew origin and has multiple meanings depending on the source. In Hebrew, Heh can mean "behold" or "beauty." It is also used as a representation of the fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, which symbolizes grace and transformation. In ancient Egyptian mythology, Heh was a god of infinity and eternity, often depicted as a frog or a man with a frog's head.

Overall, the name Heh carries connotations of beauty, grace, and eternal life. It may also symbolize transformation and the infinite possibilities that life holds. Naming a boy Heh could be a way to convey the idea of constant growth and renewal, as well as a reminder of the beauty and wonder of the world around us.

Origin: Egyptian

God of the immeasurable.

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