Elio - boys name

Elio name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 88%

Elio name meaning:

The name Elio is of Italian origin and has various meanings. One interpretation is that it is derived from the Greek word "helios," which means "sun." In this context, Elio can symbolize brightness, warmth, and radiance, much like the sun. It may also represent vitality, energy, and positivity. The name Elio can evoke a sense of optimism and joy, akin to the feeling of a sunny day.

Another possible meaning of Elio is "chosen one" or "the one who is chosen by God." This interpretation highlights a sense of purpose and divine selection. It suggests that individuals with this name may have a significant role or destiny in life.

Overall, the name Elio carries connotations of light, warmth, and being chosen. It presents an image of someone who brings brightness and positivity into the lives of others, and who may have a special purpose or calling.


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Overall UK ranking: 569 out of 4789

67 recorded births last year

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