Bernardo - boys name

Bernardo name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 74%

Bernardo name meaning:

The name Bernardo is of Italian and Spanish origin. It is a variant of the name Bernard, which is derived from the Germanic elements "bern" meaning "bear" and "hard" meaning "brave" or "strong." Therefore, the name Bernardo can be interpreted to mean "brave as a bear" or "strong bear."

In many cultures, the bear symbolizes strength, power, and courage. Bears are known for their physical prowess and their ability to protect their young. Thus, the name Bernardo carries connotations of bravery, resilience, and determination. Boys named Bernardo may possess qualities such as courage, confidence, and leadership.

The name Bernardo has a strong and masculine sound, giving it an authoritative and dignified presence. It is a name that conveys strength and valor, making it a popular choice for parents seeking a name that reflects these attributes for their son.

Origin: German

Brave as a bear.

Other boys names beginning with B


Overall UK ranking: 1250 out of 4789

21 recorded births last year

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