Akram - boys name

Akram name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 80%

Akram name meaning:

The name Akram is of Arabic origin and holds significant cultural and linguistic meaning. In Arabic, Akram is derived from the root word "karam," which means generosity and nobility. As a name, Akram is often associated with the qualities of kindness, honor, and benevolence. It conveys the notion of someone who is generous in their actions and displays noble characteristics.

Parents who choose the name Akram for their son may do so to express their hopes and aspirations for him to embody these virtues throughout his life. The name Akram can also serve as a reminder for the individual to strive for selflessness and goodness, encouraging him to be considerate and compassionate towards others. It is a name that reflects the ideals and values of Arabic culture, highlighting the importance of generosity and honorable behavior.

Overall, the name Akram carries a positive and uplifting meaning, symbolizing the virtues of kindness, nobility, and generosity.

Origin: Arabic


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Overall UK ranking: 939 out of 4789

32 recorded births last year

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