Winnie - girls name

Winnie name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 96%

Winnie name meaning:

The name Winnie is of English origin and is derived from the name Winifred, which means "blessed peace" or "holy reconciliation." It is a charming and endearing name for a girl and carries a sense of warmth and friendliness. The name Winnie also has a playful and youthful quality to it, making it a popular choice for parents looking for a name that is both sweet and strong.

Winnie is a name that exudes positivity and joy, evoking a sense of happiness and contentment. It is a name that brings to mind a cheerful and lively personality, someone who is full of life and has a bright and optimistic outlook. The name Winnie has gained popularity over the years and has been associated with beloved characters like Winnie the Pooh, adding to its charm and appeal.

Overall, the name Winnie carries a beautiful meaning of peace and reconciliation, while also embodying a sense of happiness and cheerfulness. It is a name that is both timeless and youthful, making it a wonderful choice for parents seeking a name that is full of warmth and joy.

Origin: Celtic

White or fair.

Other girls names beginning with W


Overall UK ranking: 204 out of 5581

250 recorded births last year

Change in rank

  • 10yrs

  • 5yrs

  • 1yr


    Regional popularity

    Ranking for this name in various UK regions

  • Scotland (396)

Historical popularity of Winnie

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