Halah - girls name

Halah name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 17%

Halah name meaning:

The name Halah is of Arabic origin and has various meanings and interpretations. One possible meaning is "nimble" or "swift," as it is derived from the Arabic word "hala," which translates to "to be quick" or "to move swiftly." This interpretation suggests that individuals with the name Halah may possess a quick-thinking or agile nature.

Another possible meaning of the name Halah is "halo" or "aura." This interpretation connects the name to a sense of radiance or glow, symbolizing inner beauty or spiritual illumination. Individuals named Halah may be seen as mystical or charismatic, drawing others towards them with their positive energy.

Overall, the name Halah carries connotations of speed, agility, and luminosity, representing qualities that may be reflected in the personality and character of individuals with this name.

Origin: Arabic


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Overall UK ranking: 4634 out of 5581

4 recorded births last year

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