Mushtaq - girls name

Mushtaq name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Mushtaq name meaning:

The name Mushtaq, predominantly found in Arabic-speaking countries and among Muslim communities, carries a profound meaning that reflects a sense of longing or intense desire. Derived from the Arabic root word "شوق" (shawq), it conveys the feeling of deep yearning or ardent desire for something or someone. The name embodies a powerful emotional state, suggesting that the person named Mushtaq may possess a passionate nature, with strong feelings and desires driving their actions and thoughts.

Mushtaq is not just a name but a representation of longing and earnestness, embodying an individual's potential to pursue their desires with fervor and dedication. It evokes the image of someone who is deeply committed to their goals, dreams, or loved ones, highlighting an intrinsic aspect of human experience - the desire to seek and attain what is deeply cherished. In many cultures, a name is believed to influence the bearer's life and personality; thus, Mushtaq could symbolize the journey of pursuing what is truly important with determination and passion.

Origin: Arabic

Longing, desirous.

Related names

Mushtaq , Mushtaaq

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Overall UK ranking: 5581 out of 5581

3 recorded births last year

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