Lucretia - girls name

Lucretia name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Lucretia name meaning:

The name Lucretia is of Latin origin and has a rich historical background. It is derived from the Roman family name "Lucretius," which is believed to come from the Latin word "lucrum," meaning "profit" or "wealth." However, the name is most famously associated with Lucretia, a virtuous Roman woman from ancient history.

Lucretia is known for her tragic story, which has been immortalized in literature and art. According to legend, she was a noblewoman who was raped by the son of the King of Rome, leading to her suicide. Her story became a symbol of female virtue and the importance of honor. The name Lucretia, therefore, carries connotations of purity, integrity, and strength.

In modern times, the name Lucretia may be chosen for its historical and literary significance. It can be seen as a tribute to the strength and resilience of women throughout history. It also has a timeless elegance and sophistication that appeals to many parents.

Origin: Latin

Brings light.


Dickens names

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