Letitia - girls name

Letitia name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Letitia name meaning:

The name Letitia is of Latin origin and it means "joy" or "happiness". It is derived from the Latin word "Laetitia" which has the same meaning. Letitia is a feminine name that has a cheerful and positive connotation. It is often given to girls with the hope that they will lead a joyous and fulfilled life.

People named Letitia are often described as kind-hearted, optimistic, and full of life. They have a natural ability to bring happiness and positivity into the lives of those around them. Letitia's are known for their warm and infectious smiles, which can light up a room and lift the spirits of others.

Letitia is a name that embodies the idea of finding joy and contentment in life. It is a name that represents happiness and optimism, and those named Letitia often embody these qualities themselves.

Origin: Latin

Joy, gladness.

Related names

Letitia , Laetitia, Letisha, Letty

Other girls names beginning with L


Overall UK ranking: 5581 out of 5581

3 recorded births last year

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  • 1yr


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