Gillian - girls name

Gillian name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 29%

Gillian name meaning:

The name Gillian is of English origin and is derived from the masculine name Julian, which itself comes from the Roman family name Julius. The name Julius is believed to be derived from the Latin word "iulus," meaning "downy-bearded" or "youthful." Over time, the name Gillian evolved as a feminine variation of Julian.

Gillian is often associated with qualities such as intelligence, grace, and charm. It is a name that exudes a sense of femininity and sophistication. Those named Gillian are often seen as ambitious and determined individuals, with a natural ability to lead and influence others. They have a strong sense of justice and fairness, and are often drawn to careers that involve helping others or fighting for social causes.

In addition, people named Gillian tend to be creative and artistic, with a love for self-expression. They have a curious and inquisitive nature, always seeking knowledge and understanding. Gillians are loyal friends and partners, valuing trust and sincerity in their relationships. Overall, the name Gillian carries a sense of strength, elegance, and intellectual depth.

Origin: Latin


Related names

Gillian , Gill, Gille, Jilian, Jillanne, Jillayne, Jillene, Jillesa, Jilliane, Jilliann, Jillianna, Jillianne, Jyllina

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Overall UK ranking: 3961 out of 5581

5 recorded births last year

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