Carole - girls name

Carole name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Carole name meaning:

The name Carole is of French origin and is a variant spelling of the name Carol. It is a feminine name derived from the masculine name Charles, which means "free man" or "manly" in Germanic languages. Carole, like Carol, is a name that has been used for both boys and girls, but it is more commonly associated with females in modern times.

Those named Carole are often described as intelligent, independent, and confident individuals. They have a strong sense of self and are not afraid to express their opinions or stand up for what they believe in. Carole is a name that exudes strength and resilience, and those who bear this name often possess these qualities.

In addition to its meaning, Carole also has a cultural significance as it is often associated with the Christmas season. The name Carole is similar to the word "carol," which refers to a traditional festive song or hymn. This association adds a warm and joyful connotation to the name, evoking images of celebration and togetherness. Overall, Carole is a name that represents strength, independence, and a joyful spirit.

Origin: French

Variant of Carole: The french form of the English Carol, a dimunitive of Charles meaning strong.

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