Araminta - girls name

Araminta name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 43%

Araminta name meaning:

The name Araminta is of English origin and has a unique and elegant feel to it. It is derived from the name Aminta, which is of Greek origin and means "defender" or "protector." The addition of the prefix "Ara" gives it a distinctive twist. Araminta is often associated with strength, confidence, and independence.

The name Araminta carries a sense of individuality and sophistication. It is a name that stands out and leaves a lasting impression. The combination of its Greek roots and English sound gives it a timeless and classic appeal. Araminta is a name that exudes power and resilience, making it suitable for a girl who is destined to make her mark on the world.

In summary, Araminta is a name with a strong and powerful meaning. It embodies traits of a defender and protector, symbolizing strength and confidence. With its unique combination of Greek and English roots, Araminta is a name that signifies individuality and elegance. It is a name that is both timeless and distinctive, making it a perfect choice for parents seeking a name that stands out and represents their daughter's strength and independence.

Origin: Hebrew


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Araminta , Minty

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Overall UK ranking: 3192 out of 5581

7 recorded births last year

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Historical popularity of Araminta

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