Gail - girls name

Gail name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Gail name meaning:

The name Gail is of English origin and has several possible meanings. One interpretation is that it is derived from the Hebrew name Abigail, which means "my father's joy" or "source of joy." Another possible meaning is that Gail is a variant of the name Gale, which is derived from the Old English word "gāl," meaning "pleasant" or "merry."

People with the name Gail are often described as cheerful, friendly, and outgoing. They have a positive outlook on life and tend to bring joy and happiness to those around them. They have a natural ability to uplift others with their warm and caring nature. Gail is also a popular name for girls born in the autumn season, as it is associated with the colors and beauty of falling leaves.

In summary, the name Gail has a joyful and pleasant connotation. It represents someone who brings happiness to others and possesses a friendly and optimistic personality.

Origin: English

Gay, lively.

Related names

Gail , Gayle

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