Vevina - girls name

Vevina name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Vevina name meaning:

The name Vevina is a unique and charming name often associated with Celtic or Gaelic origins. Its meaning is typically understood as "sweet lady" or "gentle woman," conveying an essence of kindness, grace, and refined elegance. The name embodies qualities of gentleness and caring, painting a picture of someone who is both loving and beloved in return. It carries with it a sense of traditional charm and a timeless allure, making it a distinctive choice for a girl.

Despite its beautiful meaning and elegant sound, Vevina is relatively rare, which adds to its appeal for parents seeking a unique name for their daughter. Its rarity does not diminish its linguistic beauty or the positive characteristics it suggests. Vevina evokes images of a person who is compassionate and nurturing, with a strong sense of empathy and a natural ability to make others feel valued and loved. This name fits well with the trend of choosing names that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also rich in positive connotations and cultural depth.

Origin: Hebrew

Sweet lady.

Other girls names beginning with V


This name does not feature in the UK baby names statistics - so feel free to go ahead and start a trend!