Talitha-cumi - girls name

Talitha-cumi name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Talitha-cumi name meaning:

Talitha-cumi is a name of Aramaic origin, taken from a phrase found in the Bible in the book of Mark, where Jesus raises a young girl from the dead by saying "Talitha, cumi" which translates to "Little girl, arise" in English. This name is often used symbolically to represent rebirth, new beginnings, and the power of faith and miracles. It carries a sense of hope, transformation, and resilience, as it signifies the ability to overcome challenges and emerge stronger.

Those who bear the name Talitha-cumi are often seen as courageous, determined, and capable of overcoming obstacles with grace and strength. They are believed to possess a strong spiritual connection and a deep sense of purpose, making them inspiring and uplifting to those around them. Overall, the name Talitha-cumi is a beautiful reminder of the potential for growth and renewal in the face of adversity.

Origin: Biblical

Young woman, arise.

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