Ravleen - girls name

Ravleen name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 43%

Ravleen name meaning:

The name Ravleen is of Indian origin and is predominantly used as a girl's name. It is a combination of two Punjabi words: "Rav," which means sun, and "leen," which translates to absorbed or immersed. Together, Ravleen can be interpreted as someone who is absorbed in the radiance of the sun or one who is deeply connected to the energy and light that the sun represents.

People named Ravleen are often described as vibrant and energetic individuals, much like the sun itself. They have a natural ability to brighten up the lives of those around them with their positive and radiant personalities. Ravleen is a name that reflects warmth, optimism, and a strong sense of purpose.

Those with the name Ravleen may possess a strong desire for personal growth and self-improvement. They are often seen as enthusiastic and determined individuals who strive to make a positive impact on their surroundings. Overall, the name Ravleen carries connotations of vitality, brightness, and a strong connection to the power and beauty of the sun.


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Overall UK ranking: 3192 out of 5581

7 recorded births last year

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Historical popularity of Ravleen

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