Punites - girls name

Punites name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Punites name meaning:

The name Punites is of Hebrew origin and is believed to mean "coral" or "red" in reference to the color or appearance of the precious gemstone. In ancient times, coral was highly valued and considered a symbol of protection and good luck. Those named Punites may be seen as having qualities associated with this gem, such as beauty, strength, and resilience.

People named Punites may be seen as vibrant and dynamic individuals who possess a unique charm and allure. They may be drawn to the arts, music, or creative pursuits, as well as have a strong sense of self-expression and individuality. With their fiery and passionate nature, those with the name Punites may be seen as having a zest for life and a willingness to take risks in pursuit of their dreams and goals. Overall, the name Punites may be associated with someone who is bold, confident, and unafraid to stand out from the crowd.

Origin: Biblical

Beholding, my face.

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