Pavlina - girls name

Pavlina name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Pavlina name meaning:

The name Pavlina, often found across Slavic countries and Greece, bears a rich cultural and historical significance. It is the feminine variant of the name Pavel or Paul, which itself originates from the Latin name Paulus, meaning "small" or "humble." This etymology reflects a sense of modesty and simplicity, virtues highly valued across various cultures. The name carries with it a sense of elegance and a touch of classical grace, making it a popular choice for parents desiring a name with a deep-rooted history and meaningful connotation.

In addition to its linguistic roots, Pavlina embodies a broader cultural connection, often associated with Saint Paul's teachings in Christianity, which emphasize kindness, humility, and the importance of faith. As such, the name is not just a personal identifier but also a symbolic bearer of certain moral and ethical values. Over time, Pavlina has maintained its popularity, adapting to different languages and regions while preserving its inherent beauty and significance. This timeless appeal makes it a cherished choice for naming girls, symbolizing a hope for them to lead lives filled with grace, strength, and humility.

Origin: Latin


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