Parbar - girls name

Parbar name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Parbar name meaning:

The name Parbar is of Hebrew origin and is a unique and uncommon name for a girl. The meaning of Parbar is not widely known, but in Hebrew, it could potentially symbolize something special or have a significant significance. Individuals with the name Parbar may possess unique qualities and characteristics that set them apart from others. They may be seen as individuals who are mysterious, intriguing, and enigmatic.

Those named Parbar may have a strong sense of individuality and a creative and imaginative nature. They may have a deep connection to spirituality or a strong intuition that guides them in life. Overall, the name Parbar is intriguing and carries a sense of mystery and uniqueness that can make a girl stand out in a crowd.

Origin: Biblical

A suburb.

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