Ophra - girls name

Ophra name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Ophra name meaning:

The name Ophra, primarily associated with feminine usage, has its roots in Hebrew, where it is spelled as "Ofrah" and translates to "fawn" or "young deer". This imagery speaks to qualities of gentleness, beauty, and grace, often attributed to deer, making it a name that carries connotations of innocence and natural elegance. The name's biblical connections, as seen in the Old Testament where Ofrah is a town in the territory of Benjamin, add a layer of historical and spiritual significance.

In modern contexts, Ophra might be more commonly recognized in its variant spelling, Oprah, popularized by the American media mogul Oprah Winfrey. Despite the different spellings, the core qualities associated with the name—grace, beauty, and a touch of uniqueness—remain. The name Ophra, in its soft pronunciation and rich heritage, may appeal to parents seeking a name that is both traditional and evocative of the natural world.

Origin: Hebrew


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