Ofra - girls name

Ofra name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Ofra name meaning:

The name Ofra, primarily used for girls, has its roots in Hebrew, where it is spelled as "עָפְרָה." The name translates to "fawn" or "young deer," symbolizing grace, beauty, and gentleness, qualities often attributed to deer. This name connects the bearer with nature and its inherent purity and charm. Ofra is relatively rare, giving it a unique and distinctive character.

In addition to its direct meaning, Ofra bears cultural and historical significance. It may remind one of the biblical town of Ophrah, mentioned in the Book of Judges, which adds a layer of historical depth and religious resonance to the name. Though not among the most common names, Ofra carries with it a sense of elegance, natural beauty, and a rich heritage, making it a meaningful choice for a girl's name.

Origin: Hebrew


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