Misrephoth-maim - girls name

Misrephoth-maim name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Misrephoth-maim name meaning:

Misrephoth-maim is a biblical name of Hebrew origin that means "burning of waters." It is believed to refer to a place where bodies of water were set on fire, possibly as a form of purification or sacrifice. In the Book of Joshua, Misrephoth-maim is mentioned as one of the conquests of the Israelites as they entered the Promised Land.

The name Misrephoth-maim carries a sense of power and transformation, symbolizing the idea of cleansing and renewal through fire. It may also represent the idea of overcoming obstacles or challenges through purification and strength. Overall, the name Misrephoth-maim conveys a sense of depth and significance, with its roots in ancient Hebrew culture and religious beliefs.

Origin: Biblical

Hot waters, Non-gerderized Biblical name.

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