Mashal - girls name

Mashal name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Mashal name meaning:

The name Mashal is primarily used as a feminine name in various cultures, including Arabic and Hebrew. In Arabic, Mashal means "torch" or "light," symbolizing brightness and illumination. It can also be interpreted as a metaphorical representation of guidance, knowledge, or wisdom. In Hebrew, Mashal means "parable" or "parable-like," referring to a short story or saying that conveys a moral lesson or message.

The name Mashal carries a significant spiritual and symbolic meaning. It represents the concept of shedding light on darkness, bringing clarity to confusion, and imparting wisdom to others. Those named Mashal may have a natural inclination towards seeking knowledge, offering guidance, or sharing stories that inspire and teach important life lessons. They may possess a bright and radiant personality, drawing others towards their warmth and wisdom. Overall, the name Mashal signifies a beacon of light, a source of inspiration, and a conduit for wisdom and enlightenment.

Origin: Biblical

A parable, governing. Non-gerderized Biblical name.

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