Mansirat - girls name

Mansirat name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 51%

Mansirat name meaning:

Mansirat is a name that is commonly used for girls. While it does not have a specific meaning in English, it is derived from Arabic roots. In Arabic, the name Mansirat is associated with several positive qualities and characteristics. The name can be broken down into two parts: "man" and "sirat."

The term "man" in Arabic means "benefactor" or "generosity." It signifies kindness, compassion, and a giving nature. On the other hand, "sirat" means "path" or "way." When combined, the name Mansirat can be understood as "the path of kindness" or "the way of generosity."

Thus, the name Mansirat depicts a person who is known for their benevolence, compassion, and acts of kindness. It suggests someone who is always willing to help others and is considered generous by those around them. Mansirat reflects a positive and virtuous personality, making it a meaningful and beautiful name for a girl.


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Overall UK ranking: 2711 out of 5581

9 recorded births last year

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