Mahanehdan - girls name

Mahanehdan name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Mahanehdan name meaning:

The name Mahanehdan is of Native American origin, specifically from the Sioux tribe. It means "good wolf" or "wolf who is kind" in the Sioux language. Wolves are revered in Native American culture for their intelligence, loyalty, and strength, so a name like Mahanehdan carries positive connotations of bravery and protectorship.

Those with the name Mahanehdan are believed to possess qualities similar to that of a wolf, such as wisdom, leadership, and a strong sense of community. They may be seen as compassionate individuals who look out for others and are not afraid to stand up for what is right. Overall, the name Mahanehdan signifies a person who embodies the noble characteristics associated with the wolf in Native American folklore.

Origin: Biblical

Tents of judgment. Non-gerderized Biblical name.

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