Lilybet - girls name

Lilybet name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Lilybet name meaning:

The name Lilybet is a diminutive and affectionate form of Elizabeth. Rooted in Hebrew origin, where Elizabeth means "God is my oath," Lilybet emerges as a charming and modern alternative that carries the weight of its traditional counterpart while adding a fresh and floral twist. This name encapsulates both a sense of timelessness and a touch of whimsy, making it a delightful choice for a girl.

Lilybet, with its close association to the lily flower, also inherits a layer of symbolism. Lilies often represent purity, beauty, and renewal, qualities that may be hoped for in a child named Lilybet. Furthermore, the name's uniqueness and melodic sound make it stand out in a crowd, offering a blend of elegance and playfulness. This name suits parents looking for something familiar yet distinct, combining historical depth with natural beauty.

Origin: Latin

Graceful lily.

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