Lahmam - girls name

Lahmam name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Lahmam name meaning:

The name Lahmam is of Arabic origin and is typically given to girls. It is a unique and beautiful name that holds deep meaning. In Arabic, Lahmam means "intuitive" or "perceptive." Those with this name are believed to possess a sharp intellect and keen intuition, allowing them to understand and perceive things beyond the surface level.

People named Lahmam are often described as insightful, wise, and intuitive individuals who are able to see through the complexities of life and understand the true nature of situations. They are known for their ability to trust their instincts and make decisions based on their gut feelings. Overall, the name Lahmam signifies a person who is thoughtful, perceptive, and deeply in tune with their surroundings.

Origin: Biblical

Their bread, their war. Non-gerderized Biblical name.

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